Monday, July 13, 2009

[beasiswa] Re: [BUTUH INFO] Dokter spesialis lulusan luar negri

Scholarships for International Students




--- In, Marko Kanadi <marko_k19@...> wrote:
> Rekan-rekan yang saya hormati,
> Seorang teman dekat, yang tidak tergabung dalam milis ini, menyatakan keraguannya kepada saya untuk melanjutkan studi spesialis (kedokteran) di luar negri. Ini dikarenakan menurutnya jenis penyakit antar negara itu berbeda satu sama lainnya. Ya menurut saya ini cukup masuk akal karena rekan saya ingin mengambil spesialis kulit, dan menurut saya betul bahwa penyakit kulit daerah tropis seperti di Indonesia berbeda dengan katakan penyakit kulit daerah subtropis seperti di Jepang. Maaf, koreksi saya apabila saya salah.
> Yang ingin saya tanyakan:
> 1. Apakah ada yang berpengalaman lulus dalam bidang kedokteran di universitas di Indonesia dan mendapatkan beasiswa untuk mengambil spesialis di luar negri?
> 2. Selama menempuh studi di luar negri, apakah dapat bekerja di rumah sakit? Katakan saja.., membantu proses bedah, bekerja di klinik, dsb.

It depends on which "luar negeri", I think. Which countries are
you thinking of?

Also keep in mind that different countries have different medical
school programs. In the US, "medical school" is a graduate school,
considered the same level as S2/S3. Specialization is already
built into the program. In Europe it is not. The Indonesian
system follows the European system, more specifically the system
used in the Netherlands.

> 3. Apakah bahasa merupakan isu utama bagi seorang dokter yang hendak studi di luar negri. Misalkan saja, ketika mengambil spesialis di Jepang, apakah mutlak menggunakan bahasa Jepang atau bahasa Inggris pun tidak masalah.

Almost certainly, to attend medical school you have to learn the
native language of that country. So if you go to Poland, you have
to learn Polish. There may be exceptions in certain Caribbean
countries since they are accepting more and more students from the
US who wanted a cheaper and less competitive way to attend medical

However, you are interested only in the specialization so depending
on the country you are interested in, this may be outside of the
"medical school" system and you may be eligible for a visiting
scholar type of deal. Although then it's not clear whether you will
get a diploma or not.

> 4. Adakah yang berpengalaman menempuh studi spesialis di luar negri dan sekarang bekerja di Indonesia. Apabila ada, saya mohon ceritakan mengenai kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.
> Demikian pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang saya ajukan, saya sangat menghargai jawaban-jawaban dari Saudara/i.

You forgot to ask one very important question (I am assuming you
have not figured this out yet since it appears that you have not
done much research): What does it take for a graduate from
a medical school NOT in Indonesia to be allowed to practice
(praktek) in Indonesia?

For example, in the US, in order to have a license to practice,
one has to pass the US Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE). Those
who graduated from a medical school outside of the US can still
take this test, but they are at a disadvantage since the training
is different.

Each country has its own set of rules. Make sure that you
understand the requirements. Best is to ask the organization
that grants the license, not strangers in a mailing list such
as this one.

Good luck,





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